How to Manage Your Website’s SEO

Did you know that, as of this writing, there are more than 1.9 billion websites on the internet? For context, if you visited one site every single second, you’d spend more than 60 years visiting sites before you saw them all. In a world this vast, how are you supposed to make your one little site stand out? Improving your website’s SEO can be an important way to draw in more traffic. Read on to discover how to manage your website’s SEO and the benefits of hiring website SEO services.

Learn to Manage Your Website’s SEO

Learning how to manage your website’s SEO is key to improving your site traffic. As we discuss the different strategies it takes to improve a site’s SEO, you’ll notice that it takes a lot of work and expertise to stay on top of the search engine rankings. The algorithms are also always in flux, meaning your SEO team will need to be up to date on the latest practices.

We advise hiring professional SEO services to help you keep your site’s SEO up to date. Not only will you get the expertise and best practices of the pros, but you’ll also have more time to focus on growing your business. SEO services can also give you insider tips and tricks to ensure you get the best possible results for your site.

Work on Your Content Marketing

One of the first things that need to happen when you start improving your SEO is that you need to work on your content marketing. For one thing, adding more content adds more value for your customers, drawing more of them in. But more importantly for your SEO, adding more content gives you an opportunity to feature relevant keywords (more on that later).

Aim to produce content that adds value for your customers, rather than content focused on just making a sale. Think about what sort of information would be helpful for your customer base and what they would be interested in learning about. Add pages and blog posts to your site covering those topics and linking back to the rest of your site.

Hone in on Primary Keywords

When creating new pages and posts, it’s critical that you use good keywords in this content. Keywords are one of the core tenets of SEO—search algorithms look for pages that include specific keyword phrases that people search for. If your page has that keyword on it, you’ll be more likely to rank in the top of the results.

Hiring SEO consultants can help you find the best keywords for your website content. They can use specialized tools to check search volumes on different terms and find the one that will offer the most traffic with the least competition. They can also recommend some additional keywords that will bring in traffic from related searches.

Polish All Your Titles

While using keywords in the body of your content is essential, you also need to make sure they get included in the title of any blog posts or pages. For one thing, this will make your site a more substantial result for search engine algorithms. It will also let your readers know right away that you have the answers they’re looking for.

In addition to including your keyword in your post or page title, you need to make sure it’s clear and concise. You want something that will draw readers in, let them know what to expect, and line up with your overall site tone. Taking some extra time to polish your titles can help your site draw in more readers when it appears in search engine results.

Add In Meta Descriptions

When you run a search, you’ll notice that each of the results that pop up has a small paragraph underneath it. This is the meta description, and it lets readers know what they can expect from the article. Setting up a meta description can be another great way to draw readers into your site and convince them that you have the expertise they’re looking for.

It should come as no surprise that your meta description should include your primary keyword, just like your title. You also want to give a brief preview of what you’ll cover in the post. Also like your title, your meta descriptions should be engaging, informative, and short enough to draw readers in.

Keep Your URLs as Short as Possible

When you first generate a new blog post, the URL it gets assigned may be long and nonsensical. Oftentimes, the format this will take is your primary site address, followed by a long string of letters or numbers. Unfortunately, these URLs can damage the amount of traffic your site gets from search engines.

You want to keep your URLs—especially your primary site address—short enough that people can remember them to type them in. Your post URLs should preferably include your primary keyword to add another relevant element to the search engine algorithms. Most site platforms allow you to change the URL of a post before you publish it.

Add In More Trustworthy Links

In addition to looking for results relevant to the search query, search engines prioritize websites that they deem authoritative. They want to return results that are from reliable sources. The quickest and easiest way to improve your website’s reliability in the eyes of search engine algorithms is to have reliable friends.

Linking to other reliable websites in your posts and on your pages can improve your site’s credibility. Always try to source statistics and figures you quote with recent, authoritative data. And try to avoid linking to the same site more than once on a single page, as search engines want to see diverse support on your page.

Improve the Images You Use

Even in the internet age, the phrase “a picture’s worth a thousand words” holds true. A good picture at the beginning of your post or page can draw in readers and create a better experience for them. Handling your images the correct way can help to keep your site on top of the rankings.

For one thing, reduce your picture size to as low as possible without compromising the quality. This will reduce your page load time, which we’ll discuss more in a moment. An SEO service can help you find high-quality pictures that fit your branding, and that won’t violate any copyrights or slow down your load speed.

Don’t Forget About Alt Tags

Once you have your image selected and uploaded, your work is not done. It’s a good idea to add alt tags to any pictures, videos, slideshows, gifs, and any other media you include on your site. Alt tags are the description you see when you hover over an image or video; these are also what screen readers use to process visual page elements.

Alt tags allow search engines to find your pages that are video or image-dominated. This can be critical for getting these pages into search results and improving your overall site SEO. It can also be an important way to improve the accessibility of your site for customers who may be visually impaired.

Update Your Website Regularly

Of course, one of the best ways you can improve your SEO from a content perspective is to keep putting out more content. For one thing, the more content you put out, the more topic areas you’ll be able to cover. You’ll grow your reputation as an authority in your field and be able to hit the top results in more and more searches.

Maintaining this level of content output and running a business simultaneously can be challenging to say the least. Many SEO services offer SEO copywriting in which they’ll create content for your site. You’ll get a site-ready product delivered, complete with all the SEO best practices and even a picture for you to use.

Optimize Your Site for Mobile

As of this writing, more than 57 percent of all web traffic is mobile, and that number is on the rise. In the last ten years alone, that market share has risen from just over 8 percent to dominate the online market. Your website must be mobile-friendly if you want to improve your site traffic.

Trying to navigate the world of automatic optimization and formatting adjustments can be overwhelming. An SEO service can help you make sure your content is accessible for mobile users. As mobile traffic continues to grow, your site will be able to hang with the times.

Keep Your Site Fast

We mentioned earlier that keeping your site load times low is important for improving site traffic. But did you know that about 40 percent of site users will abandon a page if it takes more than three seconds to load? Slow site load speeds could be driving away almost half of the traffic you do bring in.

One of the best ways to reduce your site load times is to make all pictures and videos as small as possible without compromising quality. Try to avoid high-resolution videos in banners on your site, and keep widgets and plugins to a minimum. A good SEO service can audit your website and help you figure out what to change to keep your site speed fast.

Review and Fix All Those Broken Links

As your site continues to grow and change, you’re going to have links that break from time to time. Maybe you no longer offer a product that you’d linked to previously, or maybe a page URL changed. In these cases, the hyperlinks you had on other pages will lead to a 404 error page.

One or two broken links are understandable, but many more than that will start to tip off search engines that your site may not be the most reliable anymore. Make sure you go through from time to time and check that all your page links are still in good working order. Or, better yet, hire the SEO pros to help you manage that cleanup!

Hire Professional SEO Services

Of course, the single best thing you can do to improve your website SEO is to hire a service to take care of it for you. SEO professionals eat, breathe, and sleep current SEO best practices and can keep your site in line with those guidelines. They also have access to top-notch tools for finding keywords, images, and more for your site.

Some SEO services offer a full-service approach to increasing your site traffic. From website redesign and content generation to link building and more, they’ll help you improve your Google ranking. You’ll be free to focus on what you do best—growing your business—secure in the knowledge that your site is taken care of.

Discover the Benefits of Website SEO Services

Improving your website SEO is crucial to bringing more traffic to your site. From putting out more content to using the right keywords, there are several steps you can take to improve your SEO. But the best and most straightforward way to manage this process is to hire an SEO service to handle it for you.

If you’d like to discover the benefits of website SEO services for yourself, check out the rest of our site at SEOJet. We offer backlink software that will supercharge your link building. Start your 14-day free trial today and get incredible SEO growth—no more guessing about anchor text or competitors!

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