How to Add SEO to Your Agency

Did you know that 20% of all businesses fail within the first two years of their opening? When it comes to your agency, the last thing you want is for it to fall through your fingers soon after you start it up. However, this might be just what will happen if you don’t figure out how to promote your content on the internet.


The best way you can go about doing this is to use SEO. What is SEO, you might ask? It has everything to do with how search engines are able to find your content on the internet. 


Many people make the mistake of not using SEO at all because they find it too complicated. However, you will find that if you don’t use SEO, you won’t get much traffic to your site and your agency will never have a chance to really succeed. Fortunately, creating SEO content for your agency isn’t as hard as you might think. 


Keep reading and learn more about how SEO works and how you can add it to your agency.


What Is SEO Exactly?


SEO stands for search engine optimization. Without SEO, search engines wouldn’t be very good at sorting through all the millions of different websites on the internet and promoting the best and most optimized ones. Understanding SEO at first can be tricky, but once you understand the basics, you will find that SEO isn’t as complicated as it seems.


The first thing you should know about SEO is that it can make or break a website. If you don’t use any SEO strategies, you will see that no one will ever be able to find your website. On the other hand, if you optimize your website’s SEO as much as possible, you will find that attracting thousands of visitors to your site will be easier than ever. 


The difference has to do with a few basic SEO practices. One of the most important parts of SEO has to do with keywords. Keywords are nothing more than phrases that a person might type into a search engine when searching for a particular topic. 


For example, “indoor plants” is a very popular keyword. If you were to type this keyword into Google, you will find that Google will provide you with millions of search results. All of these search results have the keyword “indoor plants” somewhere in their content, otherwise, it wouldn’t have shown up for this search in the first place. 


But there is a problem: why do some websites show up on the first page of Google while others show up on the 32nd page? Again, it all has to do with keywords.


Choosing the Right Keywords


Choosing the right keywords for your content is not as easy as you might think. 


For example, even though, “indoor plants” is indeed a very popular keyword, you can’t expect to get thousands of views to your site all at once just because you used that keyword. This is because keyword competitiveness exists. 


Even though the keyword is popular, thousands, if not millions, of other websites are all using this keyword. So, if you used this keyword for your own SEO content, that means that your content will have to compete with those millions of other websites because you’re all using the same keyword. If your agency is still just starting out and still small, your site won’t have a chance at competing against larger websites using the same keyword.


As a result, your content will quickly get buried under the content of more successful websites and agencies. Does this mean that there is no hope for a small website to succeed? Not at all!


However, smaller and even medium-sized websites will need to use different SEO strategies compared to very large websites. In particular, you will need to use less competitive and ultimately less popular keywords. Using less popular keywords may sound counterintuitive, but it can be very helpful because fewer websites will be using those keywords. 


As a result, you will have a much better chance of your content getting seen by search engines because you won’t immediately get buried under more established websites.


Long-Tail Keywords


Long-tail keywords are especially helpful in this case. Long-tail keywords are nothing more than ordinary keywords except for the fact that they are three words or longer. 


Longer keywords are more specific and less popular than keywords that only contain one or two words. As a result, when using longer keywords, you can focus on more niche audiences and content. This can help you significantly when it comes to building up your agency’s content and bringing in more traffic to your website. 


The great thing about keywords is that you don’t have to be a professional SEO writer to figure them out. There are plenty of tools online you can use to find the best keywords for the content you’re trying to write. All you have to do is look for keywords that are not too popular but are not too unpopular either. 


That way, you can start creating content in a certain niche.


The Details


Once you start doing that, your content will become more and more established in that niche. So, when people start searching for the keywords you cover in your content, your content should be one of the first results to pop up. 


This is very important because once you become more established in a certain niche, your agency will finally have the chance to grow its online presence. Having an online presence is essential for any growing business. While it can be hard to accomplish at first, once you get some traction, it will be much easier to continue creating popular content from then on. 


But keep in mind that you can’t just use keywords in a random way. There are particular ways you can use keywords that will make your content stand out and get even more attention both from search engines and real people on the internet. 


How to Use SEO Keywords Like a Pro


If you stuff a bunch of keywords into your agency’s content without putting in much thought, those keywords might actually do you more harm than good. This is because there is a very particular way to use keywords. If you put in too many keywords in a small section of content, this is known as keyword stuffing.


Many people think that the more keywords there are, the better, but this is not true at all. If you stuff keywords into your content in this way, search engines will be able to notice it. Keyword stuffing shows that your content is not actually high-quality content. 


Instead, you’re just using a bunch of words to try and get the attention of search engines. Of course, this isn’t going to work very well because search engines will be able to tell that this kind of content isn’t worth promoting. As a result, your content isn’t going to go anywhere fast. 


To fix this problem, all you need to do is space out your keywords and use them in a sparing manner. You should focus on three to five main keywords. If you use more than this, you won’t be able to focus as much on the main content. 


When using your keywords, try to scatter them throughout your content. This is true whether you’re writing a blog post or a service page for your agency. You never want to use several keywords in the same sentence. 


This not only is bad for SEO but it also is very tedious to read.


What You Need to Know


Anyone reading keyword-stuffed content will immediately be able to tell and they won’t be interested in reading much more because it will be too annoying to read.


Besides spacing out the keywords in your content, you will also want to use the keywords in the title of your content as well as any headings. 


Putting the main keyword in your title is perhaps the most important thing you can do. After all, if you don’t have a keyword in your title, how is anyone going to be able to tell what your content is about? Suppose your content is all about indoor plants. 


If the keyword, “indoor plants” isn’t in the title, people searching for this keyword aren’t going to bother clicking. Putting the keyword in the title not only is good for attracting real people on the internet but it also makes your content more visible to search engines. That way, your content will have a better chance of being promoted by search engines like Google so even more people can see your content. 


Finally, putting your keywords in your headings is also important. Headings are not much more than mini titles. By using keywords in the headings, you can draw more attention from search engines and search engines will be able to tell exactly what your content is focused on. 


After you master how keywords work, there are still other SEO tricks you will have to figure out. Linking strategies, in particular, are very important.


SEO Linking Strategies


When it comes to adding SEO to your agency, keywords are the foundation. But once you have your foundation, the next thing you will want to focus on is adding links to your content. There are two types of links that you will need to consider: internal links and external links, also known as backlinks.


Internal links are those that link to more of your own content. You might wonder what the point of linking to your own content is. As it turns out, doing this shows search engines that there is a strong connection between your different pieces of content. 


Without links, search engines might think that all of your different blogs, articles, and web pages are not connected. But by linking them together, you will be able to create a sort of spider web with your content. This will make your content much more formidable and search engines will pay more attention to it. 


In particular, search engines will be able to tell that content with links, especially high-quality links, is more trustworthy compared to content without links. As a result, search engines will want to promote trustworthy content because it is reliable and informative. 


External links, on the other hand, are links that connect your website with other websites. What is the point of these links, you might ask? How could directing traffic away from your website help your content in any way? 


All About Backlinks


As it turns out, external backlinks are also very important when it comes to making your content more trustworthy according to search engines. However, when choosing backlinks, you should only ever choose high-quality backlinks.


This is a bit challenging to do, but it is worth it. On the other hand, if you settle for low-quality backlinks, your content will also become low-quality and search engines won’t find your content to be all that trustworthy. So, when picking backlinks, always be sure that the sites you’re linking to are reputable and established. 


By doing this, you can also provide your agency with more authority. This, of course, is very beneficial when it comes to growing your website. 


Adding SEO to Your Agency


Adding SEO to your agency isn’t as hard as you might think. All you need to know is that linking strategies and keywords are essential when it comes to getting your content more attention from search engines. With a bit of patience, SEO strategies will help your agency grow in no time. 


Book a call for a free demo/book a call for a free strategy session to learn more. 

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