Boost Your Doctor’s SEO: How Guest Posts Can Help!

Doctor SEO helps medical professionals get found online, build their authority, and acquire new patients, all from search engines like Google. One key component of SEO is guest posting, which allows doctors to establish themselves on reputable medical websites and share valuable health information with prospective patients. There’s no better way to gain these placements than SEO Jet’s Doctor SEO guest post service. Let us show you how!

About SEO Jet’s Guest Posting Service


SEO Jet offers guest posting services to medical professionals looking to increase the visibility of their website in Google search results. Through our vast network of websites and blogs, we negotiate mutually beneficial arrangements to feature a link to the medical professional’s website in an article or blog post. After the post is published, the doctor’s website is boosted in the rankings, which can lead to increased visitors and revenue. SEO Jet’s experienced team ensures that posts are published to the highest quality standards.


What is Doctor SEO?


As with other forms of SEO, doctor SEO is the processing of improving the visibility and online presence of a medical provider. It’s tailored toward the healthcare industry, which demands a high level of credibility, caution, and care. At SEO Jet, we help doctors achieve better search rankings through high-quality guest posting opportunities, allowing them to establish their authority in their respective specialties.


All types of businesses and industries are increasingly relying on SEO to help them get in front of new customers. More people are turning to search engines like Google to find local products and services near them, including doctors and medical services. Doctor SEO helps healthcare providers maximize their visibility in search, allowing them to reach more potential patients while sharing valuable medical widsom that helps others. 


Why Guest Posting for Doctors?


Guest posting for doctors is an untapped goldmine in digital marketing. By contributing articles to other websites, physicians can significantly enhance their online presence. 


This strategy is not just about creating backlinks; it’s about sharing knowledge and connecting with both patients and peers in the medical community. When a doctor writes a guest post, it showcases their expertise to a broader audience, potentially attracting more patients to their practice. Furthermore, these articles help in building a strong, credible online brand, an essential element in the healthcare industry where trust is paramount. Guest blogging also allows for the targeting of specific demographics or health concerns, making your content more relevant and impactful.


Enhancing Your Online Reputation: The SEO Advantage of Guest Blogs


Guest blogs are a strategic tool for boosting a doctor’s online reputation. Each guest post acts as a beacon, leading potential patients to a doctor’s website through organic search results. This method is incredibly effective in improving a website’s SEO, as search engines favor sites with high-quality, relevant backlinks. 


Moreover, guest blogging offers an opportunity for doctors to discuss various health topics, demonstrating their expertise and establishing themselves as thought leaders in their field. This approach not only enhances their professional image but also builds trust with their audience. Routinely guest blogging can lead to increased website traffic, higher search engine rankings, and ultimately, a more prominent online presence.


SEO Jet’s Approach to Doctor SEO Guest Posting


SEO Jet is the expert in guest posting, giving you instant access to medical websites that are ready to publish your expertise. We’ve designed our service to be as low-lift on your end as possible, so you can focus on treating patients while we grow your online image. Here’s how it works:


1. Tell Us About Yourself!


Are you a general practitioner? A world-renowned heart surgeon? A researcher on the cutting edge of curing cancer? Every doctor has unique experiences and skill sets with stories to tell and knowledge to share. We want to know about your professional journey so we can find the best landing spots for your expertise and connect you to prospective patients who can benefit from what you have to say.


2. We Find the Best Websites to Reach Your SEO Goals


Based on your expertise and SEO goals, we’ll go to work in finding the best guest posting opportunities. This is both an art and a science, as we find the perfect balance between health topics, website audiences, monthly traffic volume, domain authority, and many other metrics. We also take into account your marketing budget and what you hope to achieve with guest posting. Once we shortlist some candidates, we’ll work with you to decide the best places to pitch your posts.


3. We’ll Create Expertly Written Medical Content for Your Approval


Your patients demand the very best of you, which is why you’ll never have to take time from your busy schedule to write. We’ll take the lead in developing your guest post content. We’ll do everything from sourcing keywords to following each website’s unique posting guidelines. Our team will capture your insights and draft your content, which you can approve before we submit it for publication. We take our role as credibility builders seriously, taking every opportunity to fact-check claims and position you in a professional light.


4. We’ll Include Backlinks with Optimized Anchor Texts


Part of our content creation process including finding the best places to drop backlinks to your website. Backlinks are hyperlinks within the content that direct back to your practice’s website. These links are signs of authority and credibility to search engines, which help your practice’s website rank higher in search results. Even though the links are on third-party websites, your own site gets an automatic boost. Every link has the potential to drive free traffic to your site, resulting in new patient leads and business exposure.


5. We’ll Submit Your Guest Post and Track Its Progress


We do all the heavy lifting of submitting your guest posts to publications and tracking their publishing statuses. We’ll let you know when a post goes live so you can check it out for yourself and promote it in your marketing. You can also use SEO Jet to monitor your backlink acquisition and watch how each guest post and backlink contribute to a stronger SEO profile.

Networking and Collaboration: Beyond Just SEO with SEO Jet’s Guest Blogging Service


Guest posting services from SEO Jet offer more than just SEO benefits; they open doors to networking and collaboration opportunities within the medical community. By engaging in guest blogging, doctors can connect with peers and industry influencers, fostering professional relationships that can lead to referrals and collaborative projects. SEO Jet’s service ensures that your guest posts are placed on relevant, high-quality websites, amplifying your reach and influence. This exposure not only boosts your website’s search engine rankings but also positions you as an authority in your field, paving the way for speaking engagements, joint research, and other professional growth opportunities.


Crafting Quality Content: How We Write Guest Posts for the Medical Field


For guest post writers in the medical field, creating quality content is paramount. This is an industry that falls under the “Your Money or Your Life” sensitivity, which means real people are relying on content to make decisions. Therefore, the content should be informative, accurate, and engaging, reflecting the writer’s expertise in the subject. It’s important to tailor the content to the audience of the website where the guest post will be published. 


This might mean breaking down complex medical terms for a general audience or diving deep into specifics for a more specialized site. Including case studies, latest research findings, and personal experiences can add depth and authenticity to the content. 


Here are some basic rules we follow when writing quality content that people rely on to make healthcare decisions:


  • Clear, simple language. We keep our writing simple and easy to understand. While our doctor clients are used to medical jargon and complex terminology, the average reader isn’t, so we aim to make every article reader-friendly with clear takeaways.
  • Anticipation of readers’ questions. Guests posts are an opportunity to deliver value to your audience. One way to do this is to anticipat what they might want to know about a topic — remember, your content is more about them than you
  • Accuracy. Post-COVID, consumers are wary about medical information (and disinformation), and are more selective about what they trust online. We cross-reference factual data with multiple sources to ensure accuracy in every guest post.
  • Source documentation. We cite our information sources to add an extra layer of credibility to the content. These sources might be a combination of studies, medical journal articles, drug information, or other publications that can support any claims made, giving your readers more reason to trust you.
  • Consistency in style and tone of voice. Our writers maintain a consistent writing style throughout the article, making it sound like it’s coming directly from you. This is just another way we add credibility to each guest post while enhancing your professionalism.
  • Relatability. While medical content can often take a dry approach, we aim to write engaging guest posts that readers can relate to. We infuse anecdotes, analogies, and examples to bring each topic to life and put the content into a clearer perspective.
  • Organization and structure. Our professional writers are well-versed in writing for digital media. We emphasize organization and structure to make guest posts skimmable while highlighting the most salient points. We also use visual elements like bulleted or numbered lists, headings, images, and more to break up large chunks of text into digestible components.
  • Careful revision and editing. Each guest post goes through a thorough editing process, with an opportunity for you to request revisions before your post goes live. Multiple quality control checks ensure we’re publishing authoritative content that will help you grow your online image in the best way possible.


It’s also essential to ensure that all information is up-to-date and complies with medical ethical standards. Quality content not only engages readers but also builds trust and authority, key components in successful guest blogging.


Measuring SEO Metrics for Guest Posting Success


Utilizing guest posting services for doctors provides a measurable impact on a physician’s digital marketing efforts. Key SEO metrics to track include website traffic, search engine rankings, and the quality of backlinks generated from guest posts. These metrics offer insights into the effectiveness of your guest blogging strategy. 


Services like Google Analytics can help monitor these changes, showing how guest posts contribute to increased online visibility and patient engagement. Additionally, monitoring the engagement and feedback on the guest posts themselves can provide valuable information on what topics resonate with your audience. By analyzing these metrics, doctors can refine their guest posting strategies, ensuring continuous improvement and maximized impact.

How Much Do Doctor Guest Posts Cost?


We’ve made it easy to build doctor guest posts into your marketing plan, thanks to transparent, flat-rate pricing. Your rate per post depends on your SEO Jet account tier and the domain authority or traffic volume of the website you choose. 


A guest post on a website with a domain authority of 50 or more carries more weight than the same guest post on a website with a domain authority of 20. You get more link juice and SEO value from websites with higher domain authority.


Likewise, a website with 20K monthly visitors gives you more brand exposure than a website with less than 1K visitors. There’s more value with more popular websites, so you’ll need to decide what’s most important to you. 


We’ve laid our all of our pricing for easy comparison so you can plan ahead and avoid surprises.