The Ultimate Guide to Using a Keyword Planner Tool

Did you know that the percentage of visitors to websites who don’t go beyond the first search results page is 75%? Additionally, the clickthrough rate of a link that’s in the first position on a Google search results page is 34.36%.


Considering these statistics, the importance of using the right keywords and optimizing your SEO is incredibly clear. However, if you don’t know how to find the right keywords and use them in your content, this can be stressful.


Fortunately, with our Google Ads keyword planner tool, you can find the keywords you need and put them in your content correctly.


In this article, we’ll review how you can use this keyword planner. Finally, you can master your website’s SEO, getting more leads and customers than ever. Read on to learn more.


Why Should You Use This Keyword Planner Tool?


Out of the planner tools available out there, SEOJet’s Google AdWords keyword planner provides you with accurate search data.


As a result, you’ll be able to make decisions with the right information about the keywords you should use on your website.


How This Keyword Planner Tool Works


This keyword planner tool will collect statistical information that’s up to date from Google AdWords/Google search. This is freely available information. Then the keyword planner tool will display this information for you on an easy-to-view dashboard, which will be convenient for you.


There are several steps you’ll take when using SEOJet’s Google keyword planner tool. First, you need to start putting keyword ideas into it that you think might be helpful for your business and your content strategy.


To complete this step, it helps to think about your ideal customer and ask the right questions.


What are their pain points? What problems are they experiencing, and what solutions can you provide with your product or service? How could you explore this in your content in an informative, helpful, and engaging way?


While coming up with answers to these questions, jot down ideas for content. If you really are stuck, you can revisit your ideal customer profile and get down more of the details or complete some market research.


If you still aren’t sure, take a look at the blog posts your competitors are creating. This will help you start to come up with topics and the keywords associated with them. Then, choose which keywords you want to analyze.


Another Option


Another option is to brainstorm by starting by writing down your services and products. Then, from there, think about phrases and niche keywords that are related to them. Then, you can branch out from those.


Next Step: Review the Information


Once you’ve chosen the keywords you’re thinking of using to improve the SEO of your content and website, it’s time to put them into the keyword planner tool and review the information the tool provides you with about these keywords.


Cost Per Click


When you put in the keywords in your keyword planner tool, one of the things you’ll learn is the cost per click, or CPC, of these keywords. This is useful to know if you’re planning on creating a paid ad campaign using these keywords.


This way, you can know how much you’d pay every time someone clicks on one of these paid ads. By considering this and your budget, you’d be able to decide whether these are the right words to use.


This information might also help you decide if you’re in a financial position where you’d be able to afford a paid ad campaign. Both of these decisions will become clearer as you put in additional alternative keywords.


When you do this, you’ll be able to see what their CPC is, too, and compare them with any other keyword sets you’ve put in.


Search Volume


Another information type you’ll get when you put keywords in the keyword planner tool is search volume. Search volume is a specific number showing how many people have completed searches using that particular keyword.


The higher the search volume, the more people are looking for those specific keywords. If you want your content planning to involve popular keywords, it can be helpful to have this information.


Like with the CPC information, you can enter different sets of keywords to compare the different search volumes of each. Then, you decide which ones you want to use for your campaigns.


Keyword Difficulty


You’ll also be able to know the keyword difficulty of the words you’re thinking of using as keywords. Keyword difficulty has to do with how much competition there is out there related to the specific keywords you’ve put in.


Note that another way you can refer to keyword difficulty is “KD.”


The higher the keyword difficulty rating, the more competitive they’ll be. The lower the rating, the less competitive they’ll be. It’s important to note here that niche keywords are usually less competitive and have lower keyword difficulty.


Just like with the other types of information, you can try out different sets of keywords until you have the information you need regarding the keyword difficulty of each. This way, you can decide which ones to use.


Next Step: Use the Information Wisely


Once you get the information about your keywords regarding cost per click, search volume, and keyword difficulty, you can use this information to make the right decisions regarding the keywords you end up using for your keyword plans and content strategies.


We recommend choosing keywords that meet three specific criteria. They should have lower keyword difficulty, high CPC, and high organic search volume.


Another Way to Use Google Keyword Planner


There’s another way you can use Google Keyword Planner to come up with the right keywords for your website’s content. This occurs when you use the “Find Keywords” option. When you use it, you’ll be performing standard keyword research.


There are several steps you take when you use Google Keyword Planner in this way. First, you choose a landing page URL, a phrase, or a seed keyword to put into it.


To come up with the seed keyword or phrase, you can use the strategies we reviewed earlier for brainstorming keywords. As for choosing your landing page URL, this should be a landing page for which you want to improve the SEO.


For example, if you have a new product you’re selling, you might want to create a landing page where customers can learn more about that product. It could have a CTA at the end where they’re invited to buy it.


In this case, if you want to create an SEO campaign around this landing page, you can simply put it into the Google Keyword Planner.


Note that, if you decide to put in a URL, the keyword planner tool will ask you whether you want to get keywords related to that specific page or your entire website. Make sure you select the answer that applies to your situation!


The Results


After you’ve put this information in, the Google Keyword Planner will give you results related to it. You’ll get a list of the keywords the tool has found for you. These will be in a column, and in each row, you’ll get access to information related to each keyword or keyword phrase.


This information will include average monthly searches, ad impression share, competition, top-of-page bid (the low range), account status, and top-of-page bid (the high range).


Note that there are several things you can do so that the keyword ideas will be more relevant. First of all, you can specify the location, selecting both search networks and language.


You can also add filters based on competition, average monthly searches, and keyword text. You’ll also be able to exclude keywords that are already in your account/plan.


Additionally, you can specify the date range. Doing this can be helpful if you want to find keywords that are currently trending on Google searches.


Want Help Using This Keyword Planner Tool?


Now that you’ve learned how to use SEOJet’s keyword planner tool, you might want help using this tool. Sure, you can complete your keyword research, but how can you be sure that they’re the best for your content?


And what about using the keywords in your content properly so that you optimize for SEO as much as possible?


Don’t worry. We can help! All you have to do is do a free strategy session with us, so book a call for a free demo today for a free strategy session.

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