Boost Your Car Dealership’s SEO with Guest Posting Services!

Guest posting is a great SEO tactic for car dealerships looking to reach the top of Google search rankings. A well-written guest post puts your dealership in front of new customers, giving you brand exposure while driving traffic to your website. When you get featured on other websites, your own website gets an automatic boost!


SEO Jet provides done-for-you guest posting services to help your dealership build relationships with other website owners. We build your backlink profile to send more traffic to your site, increase your online presence, and send your dealership to the top of Google.

Let us help you reach your SEO goals quickly and affordably — we’ll show you how in this guide to car dealership guest posting.

What are Guest Posts?


Guest posts are articles or content featuring your dealership or expertise and posted on someone else’s website. You’re a “guest” contributor who provides their audience with valuable content. This gives you an opportunity to share your expertise and insights with a wider audience.


Your guest posts will typically include a backlink to your dealership’s website. This will help you drive free website traffic from other sites to your own. Each backlink can also help you boost your domain authority and help you rank higher in search engine results.


Why You Need Car Dealership SEO


SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. This refers to the process of optimizing your website and content to be understood by search engines so you can appear in relevant search results.


When buying a car, more and more people customers are turning to online channels. They’re researching makes and models, comparing prices, and finding dealerships near them, all from the comfort of their own devices. 


Search engines play an important role in helping customers find the information they need — and you need to be as close to the top of the search results as possible to capitalize on these hot leads.


SEO includes several components, one of which is getting backlinks to your site from other websites. Guest posting for car dealerships is a service that can help you build quality backlinks that apply SEO best practices so you can get fast, reliable results.


How Guest Posting Helps Car Dealerships


Guest posts for car dealerships give you instant and ongoing SEO benefits. Here’s why you should make guest posts part of your car dealership’s SEO marketing strategy.


Get High-Quality Backlinks


Guest posts give you an easy way to build backlinks to your website. Search engines treat backlinks as a signal of quality and trustworthiness. The more quality links you have pointing back to your website, the higher your site will rank in search results. 


Ideally, you’ll want links coming from relevant websites in your niche that have high domain authority, a low spam score, and high monthly traffic.


Increase Website Traffic


Every backlink is a chance to earn referral traffic from other websites. Potential customers reading the guest post can click on your backlinks and go straight to your website. This gives you a chance to turn readers into leads — and leads into customers.


An increase in website traffic can also boost your SEO. Google deems high-traffic websites as being authoritative and credible. More referral traffic will help you increase your website’s search rankings, allowing you to gain even more clicks and views!


Match Anchor Text to Relevant Keywords


Anchor text is the clickable text that’s linked in the content. When you guest post, you can control what text is used to create your backlink. 


Anchor text matters because it sets the reader’s expectations for what they’ll encounter when they click the link. It also adds context to search engines so algorithms can learn more about your content. 


Your anchor text can take many forms, such as relevant keywords (the best-case scenario), your dealership’s name, or generic terms (like “click here”). You’ll need a mix of anchor text types to make your backlink profile look natural, but guest posting allows you to take control of this balance and use it to your advantage.


Get Brand Exposure


Publishing on other websites helps you build brand awareness with new customers. You can share your expertise, tips, advice, and other insights to establish your dealership as a leader in all things automotive. 


Guest posts help to foster trust and familiarize others with your name and dealership. This visibility can lead to brand recognition and keep you top of mind when customers are ready to buy, trade, upgrade, or service their ride.


Create Networking Opportunities


The more you increase your brand exposure, the more opportunities you have to network with industry professionals and influencers. Getting your name out there will help you establish credibility, leading to collaborations that can help you grow your online presence.


Gain Long-Term SEO Benefits


SEO is an ongoing game, with many moving parts that build greater value over time. Unlike paid ads, the benefits of guest posts for car dealerships don’t disappear the moment you stop paying for them. 


Pay once for guest posts and enjoy the benefits of backlinks, referral traffic, and brand exposure forever.


Do’s and Don’ts of Car Dealership SEO Guest Posting




Ready to turn other people’s websites into your most powerful marketing tools? Here’s how to approach guest posting the right way to get maximum benefits.




  • Research your guest posting sites. Not all backlinks are created equal. Ideally, you’ll publish content on high-quality websites with a relevant audience, lots of traffic, and will offer do-follow links.
  • Prioritize high-quality content. A guest post offers a first impression of your dealership to potential customers. Remember that the backlink you get is only one of the benefits of guest posting. You should also focus on creating high-quality content your audience will care about, not generic copy for the sake of a backlink. 
  • Follow all website guest posting guidelines. Many websites that accept guest posts will have a list of guidelines for you to follow. Missing even just one detail may mean rejection, so make sure you understand what each guest post website is looking for before you pitch them. 
  • Use a car dealership guest post service. A dedicated guest post service gives you the fastest path to success. SEO Jet’s guest post service has already connected with websites in the automotive niche, vetted them for quality, and reviewed their guidelines, so you can sit back and enjoy the benefits of guest posting effortlessly.




  • Do not overpromote your dealership. Guest posts aren’t advertisements. They’re a chance for you to showcase your expertise in a non-salesy way. Avoid sounding overpromotional or hard selling in your content and focus instead on valuable information for the reader.
  • Don’t plagiarize other people’s content. All of your guest posts should be original and tailored to your audience. If you’ve guest posted on other websites, you cannot plagiarize yourself (even though you’re the original author). The alternative is to syndicate your content, which shares the same article across multiple websites in an ethical way.
  • Don’t forget to analyze your backlink profile. As you gain placement on other websites, keep an eye on your backlink profile and watch how your rankings change. You’ll see which guest post sites are making the biggest difference, helping you know where to continue investing your time and effort.
  • Don’t stop guest posting. You’ll see the most benefits of guest posting when you make it an ongoing activity. SEO is like a snowball that builds on itself the more it picks up steam. You don’t have to guest post every day, but try to make an effort to regularly guest post on sites that deliver the best results.


SEOJet Guest Posting Service for Car Dealerships


SEO Jet gives you a direct path to guest posting success. We specialize in guest posting for car dealerships and have streamlined our service to give you all the benefits of link building, faster.


When it comes to SEO, one of the most important tactics is creating a strong backlink profile. Backlinks are simply links from other websites to your own. The more quality links you have pointing to your website, the higher your rankings in search engine results. Guest posting is one of the best ways to build up your backlink profile.


SEO Jet’s guest posting service helps car dealerships like yours build relationships with website owners in their niche and create strong backlinks. SEO Jet’s services include:


  • Finding the best automotive websites
  • Pitching ideas
  • Writing content
  • Managing the end-to-end guest posting process


We have a team of experienced SEO experts and digital marketing strategists who can help you get the most out of your guest posting efforts.


Guest posting for car dealerships is a great way to get your business at the top of Google search results. With SEO Jet’s services, you can get the most out of your guest posting efforts and build a strong backlink profile. Connect with our experienced team of experts and get the results you need to reach your SEO goals.



Learn About Our Car Dealership Guest Post Services