The Ultimate Guide to the Best Backlink Software of 2023

Did you see the confirmation that backlinks are an important ranking factor for a website?

The more high-quality backlinks a website has, the more likely it is to rank well in search engine results. But building backlinks can be time-consuming and challenging, which is where backlink software can help.

Backlink software helps website owners and digital marketers to build, analyze, and monitor backlinks. In this ultimate guide, we will introduce you to the best backlink software of 2023.

Types of Backlinking Software

There are many different types of backlink software available. They can be divided into three main categories.

Link-building software helps you discover new link-building opportunities and track the progress of your link-building campaigns.

Link analysis software provides in-depth insights into your link profile and helps you monitor the quality of your backlinks.

Link management software enables you to manage large link-building campaigns and keep track of all your backlink-related activities.

Free Backlink Software

There are free backlink software and tools available for use at no cost, either on a one-time or ongoing basis. These tools can be a useful option for website owners and digital marketers who are just starting out with link building and may not have the budget for a paid tool.

Each comes with its own unique set of features and capabilities. Some examples include:


SEO Jet can help you to analyze and manage the backlinks pointing to your website. Some of its features include the ability to check the quality and relevance of backlinks. It also helps you identify bad or broken links, and track your competitors’ backlink profiles.

You can use this information to improve your own website’s link profile. This will help improve its ranking in search engine results. Remember that backlinks are just one factor that can affect your website’s ranking.

It’s important to have a well-rounded SEO strategy that takes into account a variety of factors. SEO Jet has some great features for backlink analysis. They include:

Anchor Text Selection

Anchor text is the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink. It’s important to use relevant and descriptive anchor text in your website’s links. It helps search engines understand the context and content of the linked page.

SEO Jet’s anchor text selection feature can help users choose the most appropriate and effective anchor text for their website’s links. This feature may suggest specific anchor text based on the content of the linked page, the user’s target keywords, and other factors.

By using SEO Jet’s anchor text selection feature, users can improve the SEO of their website by ensuring that their anchor text is relevant, descriptive, and optimized for their target keywords.

Customized Anchor Text Selection

SEO Jet also offers a customized anchor text selection feature. This feature allows users to enter their own anchor text that is tailored to their website’s content or target keywords. This feature can be useful for optimizing the SEO of websites with specific and unique content that requires more targeted anchor text.

Premium Guest Post Service

One of the features that SEO Jet offers is premium guest post services. This is a type of link-building service that involves placing a high-quality, relevant, and well-written article on a third-party website. It also posts a backlink to the user’s website.

Guest posts can be an effective way to build high-quality backlinks to a website. They provide value to both the user and the website hosting the guest post.

The user gets a valuable backlink and the opportunity to reach a new audience. The website hosting the guest post gets valuable content to share with its readers.

Competitor Analysis Tools

Another feature that SEO Jet offers is competitor analysis tools. These are tools that allow users to analyze the backlinks of their competitors. It also identifies opportunities to build similar links for their own website.

Competitor analysis is an important aspect of SEO. It helps users to identify the strengths and weaknesses of their competitors and develop strategies to improve their own website’s SEO. By analyzing the backlinks of competitors, users can identify the types of links that are most valuable for their industry.

They can also identify the strategies that their competitors are using to build those links. SEO Jet’s competitor analysis tools provide users with a detailed overview of their competitors’ backlink profiles, including:

  • The anchor text
  • Target URL
  • Source website for each link

They also provide metrics such as the:

  • Domain Authority
  • PageRank of the linking website
  • The number and quality of links

Link Partner Organization

SEO Jet also offers link partner organizations, making it a premier free tool. Link partner organizations are websites or companies that agree to exchange links with other websites in order to improve the SEO of both websites.

Link partner organizations can be a useful way for website owners and digital marketers to build high-quality backlinks. They allow users to exchange links with reputable and authoritative websites in their industry.

SEO Jet’s link partner organization feature helps users to find and evaluate potential link partners. It also automates the process of reaching out to those websites and tracking the progress of their link-building efforts.

The tool provides users with a range of metrics and analytics to help them identify the most valuable link partners. It also tracks the performance of their backlinks over time.

Backlink Watch

Backlink Watch is a free backlink analysis tool. It provides a detailed overview of a website’s backlink profile, including the anchor text, target URL, and source website for each link. It also offers a range of metrics and analytics. This helps users track the performance of their backlinks over time.


OpenLinkProfiler is a free backlink analysis tool that provides a detailed overview of a website’s backlink profile. It also offers a range of other SEO and marketing tools. It offers features such as a link velocity chart, a link risk calculator, and a link popularity chart. These can help users to identify and analyze the most valuable backlinks for their website.

Google Search Console

Google offers a range of backlink features through its Search Console tool, which is a free service for website owners and digital marketers. It offers a number of features described below.

Links to Your Site

This feature provides a list of the websites that are linking to the user’s website. You’ll get the anchor text and target URL for each link.

Internal Links

This feature provides a list of the internal links within the user’s website. You’ll see the source and target pages for each link.

Linked Sites

This feature provides a list of the websites that the user’s website is linking to. Again, you’ll see the anchor text and target URL for each link.

Manual Actions

This feature provides information on any manual actions taken by Google on the user’s website. You’ll see any penalties or warnings for spammy or low-quality backlinks.

Overall, Google’s backlink features are a useful tool for website owners and digital marketers who are looking to improve the SEO of their websites through link building and analysis. These features provide a range of information and insights on the user’s backlink profile, as well as any issues or concerns that may need to be addressed.

Backlinking Strategies

Backlinking strategies are methods that website owners and digital marketers use to build and acquire high-quality backlinks to their websites. These strategies are important because backlinks are a key factor in search engine ranking algorithms. They can help to improve the visibility and authority of a website.

Some common backlinking strategies include:

Guest Posting

This involves writing and publishing articles on other websites that include a link back to your own website. This can be a useful way to build high-quality backlinks. It is important to ensure that the websites you are guest posting on are reputable and relevant to your industry.

Broken Link Building

This involves identifying broken links on other websites and suggesting your own website as a replacement. This can be a useful way to build backlinks. It also helps other website owners fix their broken links.

Infographic Creation

Creating and sharing infographics can be an effective way to build backlinks. Other websites may include a link to your infographic when sharing it on their own site.

Resource Page Link Building

This involves finding resource pages on other websites that are relevant to your industry. You can then suggest your own website as a resource to be included.

Skyscraper Technique

The skyscraper technique is a popular backlinking strategy. This involves:

  • Finding popular and successful content in your industry
  • Creating a similar but more comprehensive piece of content
  • Reaching out to the websites that linked to the original content and asking them to link to your own

Overall, it is important to approach backlinking strategies with care and caution. Low-quality or spammy backlinks can harm a website’s SEO rather than improve it. It is important to focus on building high-quality, relevant backlinks from reputable websites.

Finding Backlinks

Finding backlinks to a website can be a crucial part of improving its search engine optimization (SEO) and visibility. When you find the backlinks a site has, you can use this information to improve its SEO and gain more visibility.

There are several ways to find backlinks to a website:

Use a Backlink Analysis Tool

There are many tools available that can help you to identify and analyze the backlinks pointing to websites. These tools provide detailed information on each backlink, including:

  • The anchor text
  • Target URL
  • Source website
  • Metrics on the authority and trustworthiness of the linking website

Check your Website’s Referral Traffic:

You can use Google Analytics or a similar tool to see which websites are sending traffic to your website. You can reach out to them to ask for a proper backlink.

Check your Competitors’ Backlinks

Use a backlink analysis tool to see which websites are linking to your competitors’ websites. These websites may also be interested in linking to your website. You can reach out to them to ask for a backlink.

Finding backlinks to a website is an important part of improving its SEO and visibility. There are many different strategies and tools that you

Benefits of Backlink Software for Content Creation

Creating content is an important part of SEO and can help to build backlinks to a website. Creating content is time-consuming and can be challenging. Backlink software can be beneficial for content creation in several ways:

Identifying Popular and Successful Content

Backlink analysis tools can help users to identify the most popular and successful content in their industry. This can provide inspiration and ideas for new content.

Identifying Content Gaps

By analyzing the backlinks of competitors and popular websites in their industry, users can identify content gaps. They can create new content that fills those gaps and meets the needs of their audience.

Improving Content Promotion

Link-building tools can help users to identify potential link partners and automate the process of reaching out to those websites. This can improve the promotion and visibility of their content.

Tracking Content Performance

They help users to track the performance of their content over time, including metrics such as clicks, traffic, and rankings. This can help users to identify what is working well and what may need to be improved in their content strategy.

Overall, backlinks are too important to overlook in SEO. Backlink software can be a valuable asset for creating, promoting, and tracking content. It can help users to identify potential link partners and track the success of their content. With the right backlink software, users can take their SEO to the next level and gain an edge over their competition.

Try The Best Backlink Software for Free

SEO Jet is a comprehensive backlink software that can help users optimize their website for search engines and gain a competitive advantage. Its anchor text suggestion feature and competitor analysis tools offer powerful insights into the backlink landscape.

Try the free version of SEO Jet today and see how it can help you optimize your website for better rankings. Whether you’re a small business owner, digital marketer, or website owner looking to improve your search engine rankings, SEO Jet is worth considering as a valuable resource for your SEO efforts.