How SEOJet Makes Backlinks and Backlink Software Easy

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Does your business need to start paying more attention to backlinks to master SEO? The answer is a resounding yes. The average top-ranked page on Google has around 24 high-quality backlinks

But how do you start getting backlinks to your website? And is there backlink software that will make that task easier?

Discover all here as we explain everything you need to know about backlinks, including what strategies work in 2022 and what software will help you get faster, better results. 

What Are Backlinks? 

Backlinks are sometimes called inbound links and are part of your off-site SEO strategy. A backlink is any website that links back to your website, either your homepage or any other page on your website. 

But this isn’t a numbers game; you don’t win at SEO by having the most backlinks. It’s all about quality, too. The most sought-after backlinks come from the most reputable sources on the internet.

A backlink from a well-known website like CNN or National Geographic is worth far more to a business than a dozen or so backlinks from small, unknown blogs. 

How Backlinks Help With SEO

Backlinks have a long history with search engines like Google, and they are central to Google’s success. In 1998, Google wanted to build a search engine that gave its audience the best search results.

They decided that the best way to determine if a link was “good” was to see what everyone else thought of it. You could almost view this as a vote cast by the internet community.

If a page had many other reputable websites linking, then Google concluded that it must contain high-quality and relevant information.

Therefore, according to Google’s algorithm, it deserved a higher ranking.

Google also considered which website was “voting” for that link. If it was a reputable, well-known website, it was more trustworthy, and that “vote” counted for more than a “vote” from a brand-new or untrustworthy website.

That brings us to another relevant term here: domain authority.

What is Domain Authority?

Every website on the internet has a domain authority (DA) score, which determines how trustworthy that website is as far as major search engines are concerned.

All websites get a score from one to a hundred; the higher, the better. A high DA website like the BBC (with a DA of 95) has a better reputation than a small, new blog with a DA of 10. 

You might realize by now that we’ve missed something from this story because it’s not only who links to your website that’s important but why that website links to you. And this all comes down to relevance.

Backlinks and Relevance

Let’s say you sell kitchen accessories and have an article on Coffee mugs. If you have 100+ backlinks to that page, but they are from unrelated websites on unrelated topics, what does that tell Google?

It doesn’t tell the search engine anything about coffee mugs, and if you are trying to rank for that term, those backlinks won’t help much. 

So the relevance of a link is as important as the link source. If you sell coffee mugs, you want links from homeware websites, kitchen design articles, or coffee companies.

The links have to have a strong relationship to your topic to help you rank for the keywords that matter to your business. 

What Results Should You Expect and When? 

You need to start with a link-building strategy to get the most from backlinks.

First, you’ll need a list of keywords to target in your SEO campaign. That step will help you determine if you’re getting relevant backlinks.

Secondly, you’ll need to take a proactive approach to win backlinks.

Some websites are lucky enough to get natural backlinks through a viral post, but for most website owners, you’ll need to seek out the websites you want and ask them to link back to you.

If you do these two things, you should see a gradual increase month on month in the number of backlinks for each page of your website (including the homepage). 

You’ll need a tool to help you measure that activity, and SEOJet does that. It’s also free, so it’s easy for you to set up from today.

But your link-building strategy depends on how quickly you start to see backlinks and how many backlinks you get. 

If you only reach out to one website a week and ask them to link to you, your results will be far slower than if you reach out to 100 websites weekly. Remember, not everyone will say yes.

In other words, it’s a numbers game to increase those backlinks as part of your SEO efforts. 

As far as timescales go, the best-case scenario is that you start to see results in a matter of weeks. However, with a consistent weekly link-building strategy for most websites, results happen between three to six months. 

Even if you start to see more backlinks on your report using SEOJet, it may take longer to rank on page one for your preferred keyword. That will largely depend on the competition you face for that keyword.

A highly competitive term will take longer to rank for than a more obscure and low-competition term. 

Finding a Winning BackLink Strategy

Once you start tracking your backlinks using SEOJet’s software, you’ll probably want to find ways to accelerate the process and increase the number of high-quality backlinks you get. Here are some effective digital marketing strategies to try. 

Connect With Journalists

Reporters and journalists often send out requests when working on a story. That happens when journalists want an expert to comment on a topic.

Keep an eye out for these requests on social media or news websites. It’s an excellent way to make a name for yourself and get a high-quality news website linking to your business.

Plus, it will give you a brand mention, which is another signal Google uses to determine whether or not you are a trusted website. If your brand name gets regular mentions on news websites, Google will favor that in their algorithm. 

Improve Your Anchor Links

Anchor links are the text you choose to link when referring to another article.

That’s relevant to backlinks because you want the publishing site to use pertinent terms that indicate a preferred keyword to Google’s ranking algorithm.

The trick to a suitable anchor link is choosing a short phrase that’s related but not overly keyword-dense and one that works naturally within the text. 

Within SEOJet, you’ll find an anchor link planner to help you discover the perfect anchors for your backlinks.

That will help you optimize your backlink strategy for SEO ranking so that you get the best impact every time you win one of those all-important links from high-quality websites. 

Try a Press Release 

Press releases aren’t solely the domain of large multinationals! A press release is more straightforward than expected because you can find distribution networks online to help news organizations discover and publish your news.

And suppose your press release successfully finds its way onto a news site. In that case, you could get rewarded with a high-quality, relevant backlink to your website.

Time your press releases to coincide with your most newsworthy events as a business, such as a product launch or new pricing model.

And make sure you use a backlink tool like SEOJet to monitor your efforts to see which press release strategies have had the most impact on your SEO. 

Develop a Regular Guest Post Routine

Guest posting is where you reach out to a site owner and ask to write on their website as a “guest” author. When you do that, most site owners will allow you to add a backlink to your website within your guest post. 

You’ll need to set aside time in your calendar each week to reach out to site owners to pitch a guest post. To do this effectively, you should spend some time researching the best sites for your keywords.

One way to do that is to use a tool like SEOJet to monitor your competitors and find their most successful backlinks. That will point you in the right direction and give you a ready-made list of websites you can approach.

But you can also do further research to uncover high DA websites in your niche that might be open to publishing a guest post from you.

Always plan your pitch and tell the website owner why you’d like to write on their site and what topic you have in mind. Website owners love great content that’s relevant and current.

They also like catchy titles, so you might want to suggest some article titles when you first approach a site owner.

Another way you can secure some guest posts is by using SEOJet’s guest post feature. We offer pre-screened guest post opportunities to our members, which come at an attractive discount on the market rate. 

The more you pitch for guest posts, the more likely you will secure one or two high-quality backlinks. It seems like a lot of work, but the rewards are worth it.

The backlink could give you an edge over your competitor when aiming for that top spot on Google. Plus, you’ll reach a broader audience who will discover your brand and may become your new customers.  

Replace Outdated Backlinks

Here’s a smart and easy strategy to win you high-quality backlinks.

Find articles in your niche that link to a broken or outdated article. Contact the site owner and send them a link to an article on your site that’s better quality, more relevant, or more up-to-date.

This approach is a great way to secure a new link because it’s a win-win strategy. The site owner improves their content by offering better external links in their articles, and you get a backlink. 

You can use marketing tools like SEOJet to make this task easier. Our tool provides a Link Opps feature, which will give you a vast list of websites that currently link to your competitors.

You can approach any of these website owners and get those links changed to point to your (superior) article on the same topic. 

Other Ways to Master Backlinks

In addition to proactive link-building strategies, there are a couple of other essential tasks you must add to your to-do list if you want an effective backlink strategy for your SEO. 

Monitor Your Performance

A good backlink strategy requires a systematic approach to link building. And that starts with monitoring using SEO tools.

You must continually monitor your website’s backlinks and

individual pages you’re focused on optimizing for search engines. By keeping an eye on the data, you’ll be quicker at responding to strategies that aren’t working or doubling down on those that are bringing you great results.

Use SEOJet’s tool daily to track changes to your backlinks and use this to determine future backlink strategies. 

Check for Algorithm Updates

Google is continually releasing new updates to its search algorithm. That is always tricky for SEO because they don’t reveal everything about how their algorithm works.

But you must keep your SEO research active so that your website adheres to best practices.

You don’t want to suddenly find your website has been penalized by Google because you have a link that Google’s new algorithm doesn’t like! An excellent example of this is article directories.

A few years ago, most SEO articles would tell you to list your website on large directories to get a free backlink to your site.

Google released people were doing this and essentially gaming the system, so they now see this as a spam link. It will count against you in your efforts to rank your website. 

Get Backlink Software to Master SEO Faster

Everyone knows that it takes time to get high-ranked results on Google.

But not as many people realize that the secret to getting quick results is to use effective backlink software. An SEO tool will help you focus on the strategies and websites most likely to yield the high-quality links your website needs.

Get started for free at SEOJet by heading here to sign up for an account and try our software for yourself.